Mitsubishi Galant

1990-2001 of release

Repair and car operation

Mitsubishi Galant
+ Identification numbers of the car
+ Controls
- Options and routine maintenance
   The schedule of routine maintenance of cars Mitsubishi Galant/Mirage/Diamante
   The general data on options and adjustments
   Check of levels of liquids
   Check of a condition of tyres and pressure of their rating
   Replacement of impellent oil and the oil filter
   Check, service and gymnastics of the storage battery
   Check of a condition of components of system of cooling
   Check of a condition and replacement of the hoses located in an impellent compartment
   Check of a condition and replacement of brushes of screen wipers
   Rotation of wheels
   Check of a condition of components of a suspension bracket and steering drive
   Greasing of components of the chassis
   Replacement ATF of automatic transmission and differential of the main transfer, check of a condition and filter AT service
   Check of a condition of brake lines
   Check of a condition/service of disk brake mechanisms
   Check of a condition of protective covers of power shafts
   Check and adjustment of backlashes of valves - only Mirage
   Replacement of a filtering element of an air cleaner
   Service of system of cooling
   Replacement of the fuel filter
   Check and replacement of the valve of system of operated ventilation картера (PCV)
   Check of a condition and replacement of spark plugs
   Condition check, adjustment of effort of a tension and replacement приводных belts
   Check of a condition of components of system of release of the fulfilled gases
   Replacement трансмиссионного oils РКПП
   Replacement of greasing of a distributing box - only all-wheel drive Galant
   Replacement of greasing of back differential - only all-wheel drive Galant
   Check of a condition/service of drum-type brake mechanisms
   Check of serviceability of functioning of a lay brake
   Check of serviceability of functioning of the vacuum amplifier of brakes
   Check of a condition of seat belts
   Check of a condition and replacement of components of system of ignition
   Check/adjustment of installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition
   Check of a condition of components of system of catching of fuel evaporations
   Check of a condition of components of the power supply system
   Check of a condition and replacement of a belt (it) of drive ГРМ
+ The engine
+ Cooling and heating systems
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Control systems of the engine
+ Manual transmission
+ Coupling and transmission a line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Check/adjustment of installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition

The general information

As corner of an advancing of ignition is called the corner on which the cranked shaft between the moments of ignition of a mix in each next cylinder turns. Measurement is made rather ВМТ the end of a step of compression of the corresponding piston, the result is expressed in corners to or after ВМТ

In an ideal ignition of an air-fuel mix in the chamber of combustion of the cylinder should be made at the moment of passage by the piston of position ВМТ of the end of a step of compression. Thus взрывообразно accruing pressure in the cylinder will push the piston downwards, causing thereby rotation of a cranked shaft of the engine. Whereas искрообразование between electrodes of a candle/ignition of a mix occupies some time (a share of second), поджиг it should be made a little before the moment of achievement by the piston of position ВМТ, differently the maximum pressure pushing the piston will not be reached, that will lead to decrease in the twisting moment developed by the engine.

If to establish a corner of an advancing of ignition on 10 ° before ВМТ ignition of an air-fuel mix in each of cylinders will occur during the moment when the corresponding piston will occupy corresponding position (10 ° before ВМТ the end of the step of compression). Told remains true only in an engine operating time on single turns. To achieve peak efficiency of return of the engine/economy of the expense of fuel it is possible to achieve, if process of combustion of a mix in cylinders comes to the end within 23 ° after ВМТ the corresponding piston.

In process of increase of turns of the engine pistons start to move faster, thus spark plugs should make ignition of an air-fuel mix so that its combustion occurred even a little before the moment when the corresponding piston will reach positions ВМТ. At installation of too early ignition accruing pressure in the cylinder will interfere with piston advancement upwards, that leads to occurrence of characteristic knock, in popular speech called by a detonation. Too later ignition as already it was spoken above, leads to appreciable decrease in efficiency of return of the engine.

On a rim of a pulley of a cranked shaft and a cover of drive ГРМ special adjusting labels are provided. Thus the label on a pulley corresponds to position ВМТ of the end of a step of compression of the piston of the first cylinder to which wire of a spark plug it is necessary to connect a stroboscope at check/adjustment of installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition (watch that electroconducting of connection of a stroboscope did not concern blades of the fan of system of cooling!). Thus lamp flashes will synchronously occur to the moments искрообразования between electrodes of the given candle. Having directed a stroboscope beam on a pulley rim, it is possible to define easily position of the piston of the first cylinder at the moment of the beginning of ignition of a mix, - the label on a pulley rim "will stand" opposite to corresponding division fixed on a cover of drive ГРМ of a scale. During adjustment of an advancing of ignition it is necessary to achieve conformity standard for the given model of the car to requirements (see further).

Check and adjustment

Models of 1990-1996 of вып.


1. Cock a lay brake, start the engine and warm up it to normal working temperature. Disconnect all onboard consumers of the electric power, result forward wheels of the car in rectilinear position. Include neutral transfer (models with РКПП)/translate the selector lever in position “Р” (models with АТ).
2. Make sure of correctness of installation of turns of idling.

3. Muffle the engine, remove an antispray cover from a socket of adjustment of a corner of an advancing of ignition. By means of a wire-crosspiece earth the socket plug on weight.

4. Connect a tachometre, connect a stroboscope to ВВ to a wire of a spark plug of the first cylinder. Start the engine and leave its working on single turns.
5. Direct a stroboscope beam on fixed near to a pulley of a cranked shaft an adjusting scale.
6. Ослабьте fastening of the distributor of ignition / a clamping nut of the gauge of a corner of turn of a cranked shaft.
7. Rotating the distributor/gauge case, achieve demanded adjusting value for a corner of an advancing of ignition, then tighten fixture and muffle the engine.
8. Remove a wire-crosspiece and establish on a socket an antispray cover.
9. Start the engine and repeat check, this time without socket grounding, - the indication should be displaced approximately on 5 ° towards increase concerning base installation. The engine management block can make updating of a corner of an advancing of ignition for a concrete combination of entrance parametres.
10. Muffle the engine, disconnect a stroboscope and a tachometre.

Models of 1997-2000 of вып.


On the given models installation and adjustment of a corner of an advancing of ignition is made automatically under managements of the electronic module (ЕСМ). Check can be made by means of the special diagnostic input reader (scanner).