Mitsubishi Galant

1990-2001 of release

Repair and car operation

Mitsubishi Galant
+ Identification numbers of the car
+ Controls
- Options and routine maintenance
   The schedule of routine maintenance of cars Mitsubishi Galant/Mirage/Diamante
   The general data on options and adjustments
   Check of levels of liquids
   Check of a condition of tyres and pressure of their rating
   Replacement of impellent oil and the oil filter
   Check, service and gymnastics of the storage battery
   Check of a condition of components of system of cooling
   Check of a condition and replacement of the hoses located in an impellent compartment
   Check of a condition and replacement of brushes of screen wipers
   Rotation of wheels
   Check of a condition of components of a suspension bracket and steering drive
   Greasing of components of the chassis
   Replacement ATF of automatic transmission and differential of the main transfer, check of a condition and filter AT service
   Check of a condition of brake lines
   Check of a condition/service of disk brake mechanisms
   Check of a condition of protective covers of power shafts
   Check and adjustment of backlashes of valves - only Mirage
   Replacement of a filtering element of an air cleaner
   Service of system of cooling
   Replacement of the fuel filter
   Check and replacement of the valve of system of operated ventilation картера (PCV)
   Check of a condition and replacement of spark plugs
   Condition check, adjustment of effort of a tension and replacement приводных belts
   Check of a condition of components of system of release of the fulfilled gases
   Replacement трансмиссионного oils РКПП
   Replacement of greasing of a distributing box - only all-wheel drive Galant
   Replacement of greasing of back differential - only all-wheel drive Galant
   Check of a condition/service of drum-type brake mechanisms
   Check of serviceability of functioning of a lay brake
   Check of serviceability of functioning of the vacuum amplifier of brakes
   Check of a condition of seat belts
   Check of a condition and replacement of components of system of ignition
   Check/adjustment of installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition
   Check of a condition of components of system of catching of fuel evaporations
   Check of a condition of components of the power supply system
   Check of a condition and replacement of a belt (it) of drive ГРМ
+ The engine
+ Cooling and heating systems
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Control systems of the engine
+ Manual transmission
+ Coupling and transmission a line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Greasing of components of the chassis

The list of the materials necessary for greasing of components of the chassis

1 — Liquid impellent oil - is used for greasing of door loops
2 — Graphite the aerosol - is used for greasing замковых cylinders

3 — Greasing - in the market the wide spectrum of greasings of various type and the viscosity intended for закачивания by means of a lubricant pistol is presented
4 — the Lubricant pistol - is intended for stuffing of components by greasing, used complete with a various sort nozzles and transitive hoses


1. Prepare a necessary stock of greasing of a demanded grade (Specifications see) and a lubricant pistol for stuffing of hollow components.

On some knots instead of lubricant unions can appear are established заглушки, - take care also of presence near at hand the complete set of unions, - are issued carving штуцерные nozzles of the various form providing adequate access practically to any component.

2. Having glanced under the car, find lubricant unions of components of a steering drive, a suspension bracket and трансмиссионной lines. Usually unions enter into a regular complete set of such knots, as tips of steering draughts and карданные hinges. If instead of unions are established заглушки, instead of them it is necessary to screw prepared штуцерные nozzles.
3. Поддомкратьте the car also establish it on the props got under a frame, or tyre out its lift.

 If assume at given stage to make rotation of wheels, do not forget to weaken fixing nuts before they will be torn off from the earth.

4. For procleaning of a nozzle of a pistol from a dirt squeeze out a few greasings. Wipe a nozzle pure rags.
5. Prepare a stock of rags and start stuffing of components by greasing.
6. Wipe the lubricant union and a surface of a component surrounding it pure rags, connect to the union a nozzle of a pistol and start stuffing. Continue закачивать greasing until it will not start to exude through joints of landing surfaces of a component.

If greasing starts to exude through a pistol nozzle, it is necessary to clean and pay it special attention of density of a clip. In case of need replace the union.

7. Rags collect from a surface of a component surplus of greasing and pass to stuffing of the following knot.

8. Stuffing of a sliding collar of the universal hinge карданного a shaft continue until greasing will not start to exude an assemblage epiploon.

9. At stuffing карданных hinges of usual type greasing should start to exude through joints of components of assemblage.

10. Not getting out from under the car, wipe cables of a drive of a lay brake and with fingers grease their directing and executive levers.

11. At a corresponding complete set of the car put greasing on литиевой to a basis on contact surfaces of persistent arms and adjusting bolts of assemblages of rotary fists.

12. Open a cowl and fill a few greasings for the chassis in the mechanism of a latch of the lock. Ask to extend against the stop the assistant the lever отпускания the cowl lock under the panel of devices and grease all bared surfaces приводного a cable.
13. With liquid impellent oil grease loops of all doors and a cowl.
14. For greasing замковых cylinders it is the most convenient to take advantage of the graphite greasing delivered in aerosol баллончиках, - ask in shops of automobile accessories.
15. Силиконовой with greasing grease sealing tapes of doors for the purpose of their protection against premature deterioration.