1. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped by a security code before to disconnect the battery make sure that have a correct combination for audiosystem input in action! |
2. On models with a manual drive стеклоподъемников remove the handle of a regulator with a facing framework, - release a clamp of fastening of the handle by поддевания its edge of the stretched piece of a fabric.
3. On the models equipped электроприводными with steklopodemnikami/activators of door-locks, liberate the panel of switches of management and disconnect the electroconducting brought to it. |
4. Turn out the fixing screw and remove facing of the internal handle of a door. Remove the handle.
5. At a corresponding complete set, turn out fixing screws and remove поручневую the door handle.
6. Turn out screws of fastening of the panel of an internal upholstery of a door. |
7. Cautiously hooking the clamps located on perimetre of the panel of an internal upholstery, separate last from a doorframe, - try not to damage the panel at отпускании clamps. |
8. Accurately liberate the clamps which have remained in a frame of fastening обивочной the panels, the damaged elements replace.
9. In case of need remove from a doorframe изоляционный the screen. |