Mitsubishi Galant

1990-2001 of release

Repair and car operation

Mitsubishi Galant
+ Identification numbers of the car
+ Controls
+ Options and routine maintenance
+ The engine
+ Cooling and heating systems
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Control systems of the engine
+ Manual transmission
- Coupling and transmission a line
   Coupling - the general information and check of a condition of components
   Removal, check of a condition and installation of components of assemblage of coupling
   Removal, check of a condition and installation выжимного the bearing and a plug of deenergizing of coupling
   Check of a condition and replacement of the directing bearing
   Adjustment of a pedal of coupling
   Adjustment of a cable of a drive of coupling, removal and installation тросовой assemblages (models Mirage with тросовым a coupling drive)
   Removal and installation of the main cylinder of coupling
   Removal and installation of the executive cylinder of coupling
   Removal of air from a hydraulic path of a drive of deenergizing of coupling
   Removal and installation of power shafts
   Hinges of power shafts - the general information and service
   Condition check трансмиссионной lines
   Removal and installation карданного a shaft
   Replacement карданного the hinge
   Balancing карданного a shaft
   Removal and installation of assemblage of the central bearing карданного a shaft
   Removal and installation of back semiaxes (model AWD Galant on 1993 вып.)
   Removal and installation ступичной pins of a back axis, the wheel bearing and an epiploon
   Replacement of an epiploon of a leading gear wheel of back differential
   Removal and installation картер back differential (model AWD Galant on 1993 вып.)
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Coupling and transmission a line

The general information

The present Chapter is devoted трансмиссионным to the components located between a back part of the engine and lobbies (all models) and back (models AWD) by car wheels (without a transmission and a distributing box which are considered in the Head the Manual transmission). According to the destination considered components can be broken into three categories: coupling, карданный a shaft and semiaxes/power shafts. In below-mentioned Sections descriptions of a design and a principle of action of each of separate knots, and also procedures of check of a condition, removal, dismantling and regenerative repair of components entering into all three groups are resulted.

As the most part of procedures described in the present Chapter is made under the car, it is necessary to give special attention to reliability of fixing of the last in the lifted position.