Mitsubishi Galant

1990-2001 of release

Repair and car operation

Mitsubishi Galant
+ Identification numbers of the car
+ Controls
+ Options and routine maintenance
+ The engine
+ Cooling and heating systems
- The power supply system and release
   Сбрасывание pressure in the power supply system
   Removal and installation of the case of a throttle
   Removal and installation of a fuel highway and injection injectors
   Check of a condition and replacement of fuel lines and them штуцерных connections
   Check of serviceability of functioning of injectors
   Removal and installation of a regulator of pressure of fuel
   Removal and installation of a safety valve of a fuel tank
   Removal and installation of a fuel tank
   Cleaning and repair of a fuel tank - the general data
   Check of serviceability of functioning of the fuel pump, measurement of pressure of fuel
   Removal and installation of the fuel pump/gauge of the expense of fuel
   Removal and installation of assemblage of an air cleaner
   Release system
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Control systems of the engine
+ Manual transmission
+ Coupling and transmission a line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Removal and installation of the fuel pump/gauge of the expense of fuel

Details of installation of a fuel tank on models Mirage 1990 ÷ 1992 of вып.

1 — the Cover of a jellied mouth
2 — the Drain stopper
3 — the Returnable hose
4 — the Hose of giving of fuel (a pressure head line)
5 — the Control valve
6 — Hoses of tap of fuel evaporations
7 — Electroconducting
8 — the Connecting hose of a jellied mouth
9 — the Ventilating hose

10 — the Fuel tank
11 — the Hose of tap of fuel evaporations
12 — the Fuel pump
13 — the Mesh filter топливозаборника
14 — the Block of measurement of the expense of fuel
15 — the Hose of tap of fuel evaporations
16 — the Double-thread valve
17 — the Jellied mouth

Remember that gasoline is extremely an inflammable liquid! At work with power supply system components observe all taken measures of fire safety. Do not smoke! Do not come nearer to a place of work with open fire or the redurable not protected by a lamp shade! Do not make system service in the premises equipped working on natural gas and heating devices equipped with a control torch (such as водогреи and dryers for clothes). Do not forget, that gasoline is among cancerogenic substances, i.e., - the substances promoting development of a cancer! Try not to suppose fuel hit on open sites of a body, use rubber protective gloves, at casual unforeseen contact to fuel carefully wash out hands warm water with soap. Immediately collect the spilt fuel and do not put the rags impregnated with PETROLEUM PRODUCTS near to sources of open fire. Remember that the power supply system equipped with injection of fuel of models constantly is under pressure. Before to start a detachment of fuel lines, dump residual pressure in system. At service of components of the power supply system put on goggles. Constantly hold near at hand the class fire extinguisher In!

Models Mirage 1990 ÷ 1992 of вып.



1. Details of installation of assemblage of the fuel pump/gauge of the expense of fuel on models Mirage 1990 ÷ 1992 of вып. Are presented on an illustration.
2. Dump pressure in the power supply system (Section Сбрасывание of pressure in the power supply system see).
3. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.

If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped by a security code before to disconnect the battery make sure that have a correct combination for audiosystem input in action!

4. Merge the rests of fuel from a tank in suitable reception container.
5. Slightly приопустите assemblage of a fuel tank also disconnect the electroconducting brought to its top part and lines of communication.
6. Remove a fuel tank from the car (see Has undressed Removal and installation of a fuel tank).
7. Give five fixing nuts and take assemblage of the fuel pump/gauge of the expense of fuel from a tank.



1. Establish assemblage of the fuel pump/gauge of the expense on the regular place, - do not forget to replace a sealing lining. Screw and tighten fixing nuts.
2. Establish assemblage of a fuel tank on the car (see Has undressed Removal and installation of a fuel tank).
3. Lower the car on the earth and pour the merged fuel back in a petrol tank.
4. Connect a negative wire to the battery.
5. Check up the pressure head characteristic of the fuel pump (the Section Check of serviceability of functioning of the fuel pump, measurement of pressure of fuel see). Examine a power supply system path on presence of signs of development of leaks.

Front-wheel models (FWD) Galant 1990 ÷ 1993 of вып.



1. Dump pressure in the power supply system (Section Сбрасывание of pressure in the power supply system see).
2. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.

If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped by a security code before to disconnect the battery make sure that have a correct combination for audiosystem input in action!

3. Merge the rests of fuel from a tank in suitable reception container.
4. Disconnect brought to assemblage of the fuel pump of fuel electroconducting, make sure available sufficient for приопускания a tank of a weak point of a plait of electroconducting of the gauge of the expense of fuel. In case of need disconnect also gauge electroconducting, preliminary having marked a plait.
5. Disconnect from the pump a pressure head line.

6. Release самоконтрящиеся nuts of fastening assembly скоб a tank

7. Turn out bolts of fastening of the right cross-section bar and disconnect the lever from a joint bodywork an element. Lower a cross-section bar and tie up its wire to assemblage of the back bridge.

8. Turn out six fixing bolts and remove established in the tank basis a sealing lining.

9. Remove assemblage of the fuel pump.



1. Achieve combination of three directing pins mounted on a lining with corresponding apertures of pump assemblage. Track, that nipples have appeared are developed in the same party, that before pump removal.

2. Pass a fixing bolt through an aperture in the tank bottom (do not forget to replace a sealing lining) and tighten it with demanded effort (14 H•м).
3. Establish the right cross-section bar, screw a fixing bolt in corresponding кузовное a joint and freely tighten it.
4. Tightening самоконтрящиеся nuts of assembly tapes of a tank, achieve its dense planting to the car. Tighten nuts with demanded effort (31 H•м).
5. Connect a pressure head hose and tighten it штуцерный a socket with demanded effort (40 H•м).
6. Connect electroconducting to assemblage of a gasoline pump/gauge of the expense of fuel.
7. Lower the car on the earth and definitively tighten a bolt of fastening of a cross-section bar with demanded effort (80 ÷ 100 H•м).
8. Pour in a tank the fuel merged from it.
9. Connect a negative wire to the battery.
10. Check up serviceability of functioning of the power supply system, examine its path on presence of signs of development of leaks.

All-wheel drive models (AWD) Galant 1990 ÷ 1993 of вып.



1. Dump pressure in the power supply system (Section Сбрасывание of pressure in the power supply system see).
2. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.

If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped by a security code before to disconnect the battery make sure that have a correct combination for audiosystem input in action!

3. The fuel pump is placed in a tank. Remove the cover of access established in the back panel of a floor of the car.

4. Merge fuel remaining in a tank in reception container approaching on volume.
5. Disconnect from pump assemblage electroconducting.
6. In case of need remove the double-thread valve-terminator of the control of level of fuel in a tank.
7. Disconnect a pressure head line.

8. Turn out six fixing bolts and take assemblage of a gasoline pump/gauge of the expense of fuel from a tank.

9. Achieve combination of three directing pins mounted on a lining with corresponding apertures of pump assemblage. Track, that nipples have appeared are developed in the same party, that before pump removal. Establish holders and tighten them with demanded effort (3 H•м).
10. Connect a pressure head hose and tighten it штуцерный a socket with demanded effort (40 H•м).
11. Establish to the place of the double-thread valve-terminator and connect to pump assemblage electroconducting.
12. Pour in a tank the fuel merged from it.
13. Connect a negative wire to the battery.
14. Check up serviceability of functioning of the power supply system, examine its path on presence of signs of development of leaks.

15. Place on the floor panel a sealing element 3М ATD № 8625, then establish and fix a service cover.

Models Galant 1994 ÷ 1998 of вып., Mirage 1993 ÷ 2000 of вып. And Diamante



1. Dump pressure in the power supply system (Section Сбрасывание of pressure in the power supply system see).
2. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.

If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped by a security code before to disconnect the battery make sure that have a correct combination for audiosystem input in action!

3. Remove a pillow of a back seat (the Body see the Head).
4. Remove a service cover of access to assemblage погружного the fuel pump/gauge of the expense of fuel.

5. Disconnect from pump assemblage electroconducting.

6. Disconnect a returnable hose and a pressure head line.

7. Give fixing nuts and remove assemblage.



1. Lay on a landing surface of a tank a new sealing lining.

2. Fill assemblage of a gasoline pump/gauge of the expense of fuel in a tank. Screw fixing bolts and tighten them with demanded effort (2.5 H•м).

At introduction of pump assemblage in a tank the measuring float of the gauge of the expense of fuel should be unbent to the left.

3. Connect to assemblage a pressure head line and a hose of return of fuel.
4. Connect electroconducting.
5. Connect a negative wire to the battery.
6. Check up the pressure head characteristic of the fuel pump (the Section Check of serviceability of functioning of the fuel pump, measurement of pressure of fuel see). Examine elements of a path of the power supply system on presence of signs of development of leaks.
7. Plant on hermetic a service cover of access to the pump. Establish into place a pillow of a back seat (the Body see the Head).

Models Galant 1999 and 2000 of вып.



1. Dump pressure in the power supply system (Section Сбрасывание of pressure in the power supply system see).
2. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.

If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped by a security code before to disconnect the battery make sure that have a correct combination for audiosystem input in action!

3. Remove a pillow of a back seat (the Body see the Head).
4. Remove a service cover of access to assemblage погружного the fuel pump/gauge of the expense of fuel.
5. Disconnect from pump assemblage electroconducting.
6. Disconnect a returnable hose and a pressure head line.

7. By means of the special tool of type МВ991480 release fixing cover and remove assemblage of the fuel pump/gauge of the expense of fuel.



1. Lay on a landing surface of a tank a new sealing lining.
2. Fill assemblage of a gasoline pump/gauge of the expense of fuel in a tank, - track correctness of combination put on assemblage and the panel of a floor of landing labels.
3. By means of special tool MV991480 tighten fixing cover.
4. Connect to assemblage a pressure head line and a hose of return of fuel.
5. Connect electroconducting.
6. Connect a negative wire to the battery.
7. Check up the pressure head characteristic of the fuel pump (the Section Check of serviceability of functioning of the fuel pump, measurement of pressure of fuel see). Examine elements of a path of the power supply system on presence of signs of development of leaks.
8. Plant on hermetic a service cover of access to the pump.
9. Establish into place a pillow of a back seat (the Body see the Head).