Mitsubishi Galant

1990-2001 of release

Repair and car operation

Mitsubishi Galant
+ Identification numbers of the car
+ Controls
+ Options and routine maintenance
+ The engine
+ Cooling and heating systems
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
- Control systems of the engine
   System of operated ventilation картера (PCV) - the general information, check of a condition and replacement of components
   System of catching of fuel evaporations (EVAP) - the general information, check of a condition and replacement of components
   System рециркуляции the fulfilled gases (EGR) - the general information, check of a condition and replacement of components
   System of onboard diagnostics (OBD) - a principle of functioning and codes of malfunctions
   Replacement of the module of management (ЕСМ/PCM)
   Information gauges and actuation mechanisms - the general information, check of serviceability of functioning, removal and installation
   The Katalitichesky converter - the general information, check of a condition and replacement
+ Manual transmission
+ Coupling and transmission a line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

System рециркуляции the fulfilled gases (EGR) - the general information, check of a condition and replacement of components

The general information


For the purpose of issue decrease in atmosphere of oxides of nitrogen (NОХ) the engine design provides tap of a part of the fulfilled gases in the inlet pipeline through valve EGR. Such подмешивание the fulfilled gases to an air-fuel mix leads to decrease in temperature of its combustion. The quantity of the fulfilled gases mixed with the inlet pipeline is defined by several factors, such as: engine turns, depth of depression in the pipeline, size противодавления in release system, temperature of a cooling liquid, position throttle заслонки, etc.

All a part systems EGR valves have a vacuum design. Schemes of a lining of vacuum hoses for concrete model are resulted on label VECI.


Valve EGR


1. Remove valve EGR from the car. Make sure, that course freedom плунжера клапанной assemblages is not limited by coal adjournment. In case of need wash out the valve solvent.

2. Connect to the valve the manual vacuum pump and create depression by depth of 508 mm hg (67 кПа). Also check up tightness of assemblage, - depression should be kept.

If the valve is equipped by two vacuum unions, check up them serially.

3. On models 1990 ÷ of 1993 of вып. At depth of depression less than 46 mm hg (6 кПа) the valve should remain closed (the purge through it of air should not be represented possible), valve opening occurs at depth of depression more
216 mm hg (28.7 кПа).
4. On models since 1994 вып., On the contrary, at depth of depression less than 40 mm hg the valve should pass air, and more 221 mm hg - is not present.
5. The faulty valve is subject to replacement.

The gauge of temperature EGR (only the Californian models)


1. The gauge of temperature EGR is established only on the models intended for operation in the State of California by the USA. The gauge traces temperature passed through the valve of management EGR of the fulfilled gases and gives out the corresponding information (in the form of pressure signals) on PCM. Breakage in a gauge chain leads to operation of a corresponding control lamp.
2. Remove the gauge of temperature EGR from the engine.

3. Lower the gauge in capacity with hot water, there place the thermometer, - try not to admit, that the gauge and the thermometer adjoined to vessel walls. Warming up water, measure resistance of the gauge at various values of temperature. Compare result to standard requirements (at temperature 50°С resistance of the gauge should make 60 ÷ 83 clod, at 100°С - 11 ÷ 14 clod).

4. The faulty gauge is subject to replacement.

The thermovacuum valve (TVV)


1. Preliminary having marked, disconnect from TVV a vacuum hose.

2. Connect to a vacuum hose of the valve the manual vacuum pump.

3. Create on TVV depression: at temperature less 50°С the valve depression to be kept should not (the valve is opened), switching occurs at temperature more 80°С.
4. The faulty valve is subject to replacement.

Check of port depression EGR


1. Disconnect a vacuum hose from the throttle case. Connect to the released union the manual vacuum pump/vacuum gauge.

2. Start the engine and, slowly lifting its turns, watch instrument readings. On models 1990 ÷ 1993 depth of depression should increase to proportionally frequency of rotation of the engine, on models since 1994 вып., - to remain invariable.

Electromagnetic valve EGR

Models 1990 ÷ of 1990 of вып.


1. Preliminary having marked, disconnect from electromagnetic valve EGR the vacuum hose marked with flavovirent strips.
2. Disconnect electroconducting.

3. Connect to the released union on клапанной to assemblage the manual vacuum pump. Create depression and check up tightness of assemblage at the pressure submitted on it without that. Depression should be kept in the first case reliably, in the second - is not present.

4. Measure resistance of the valve at temperature 20°С, - the rating value makes 36 ÷ 44 Ohm.

5. The faulty valve is subject to replacement.

Models since 1994 вып.


1. Preliminary having marked, disconnect from electromagnetic valve EGR the vacuum hose marked with flavovirent strips (in a yellow strip on models 2.0 of l with a turbo-supercharging, or in an ochroleucous strip on models 2.4).
2. Disconnect electroconducting.

3. Connect to the union And the manual vacuum pump. Create depression and check up tightness of assemblage at the pressure submitted on it without that. Depression to be kept in the first case should not, in the second - should.

4. Measure resistance of the valve at temperature 20°С, - the rating value makes 36 ÷ 44 Ohm.
5. The faulty valve is subject to replacement.

Removal and installation of components

Valve EGR



1. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.

If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped by a security code before to disconnect the battery make sure that have a correct combination for audiosystem input in action!

2. In case of need remove an air cleaner with inlet air lines.
3. At a corresponding complete set (the Californian models) disconnect electroconducting from the gauge of temperature EGR.
4. Preliminary having marked, disconnect a vacuum hose from valve EGR.

5. Turn out fixing bolts and remove the valve.

6. Carefully smooth out interfaced surfaces, completely having removed with all of them traces of a material of an old lining.
7. Check up course freedom плунжера the valve, in case of need wash out assemblage by solvent for the purpose of removal of coal adjournment.



1. Having replaced a sealing lining, plant клапанную assemblage on the regular place on the engine.
2. Screw fixing bolts and tighten them with demanded effort (10 ÷ 15 H•м: for l models 1.5, 1.6 l and 1.8 l; 15 ÷ 22 H•м: for l models 2.0; 22 H•м: for models 2.4 of l both 3.5 l; and 11 H•м: for models 3.0).
3. Connect to the valve a vacuum hose.
4. At a corresponding complete set connect electroconducting to the gauge of temperature EGR.
5. Establish assemblage of an air cleaner with air lines.
6. Connect a negative wire to the battery.

The gauge of temperature EGR (only the Californian models)



1. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.

If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped by a security code before to disconnect the battery make sure that have a correct combination for audiosystem input in action!

2. Disconnect from the gauge electroconducting.
3. Turn out the gauge and remove it from the engine.



1. Screw the gauge on the regular place and tighten it with demanded effort (12 H•м).
2. Connect to the gauge electroconducting.
3. Connect a negative wire to the battery.

The thermovacuum valve (TVV)



1. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.

If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped by a security code before to disconnect the battery make sure that have a correct combination for audiosystem input in action!

3. Disconnect from TVV a vacuum line.
4. By means of a wrench (try not to touch with a key to fragile nonmetallic parts of assemblage) turn out the valve and remove it from the engine.
5. Check up клапанную assemblage on presence of cracks and other mechanical damages. In case of need make replacement.



1. Grease a carving part of the valve with hermetic, then screw assemblage on the regular place.
2. Tighten TVV with demanded effort (20 ÷ 40 H•м), - try not to touch with a key to fragile nonmetallic parts of assemblage.
3. Connect to TVV a vacuum hose.
4. Connect a negative wire to the battery.

Electromagnetic valve EGR



1. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.

If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped by a security code before to disconnect the battery make sure that have a correct combination for audiosystem input in action!

2. Mark and disconnect from the valve vacuum hoses.

3. Disconnect from the valve electroconducting.

4. Remove the electromagnetic valve from a basic arm. In case of need make replacement.



1. Fix the valve on a basic arm.
2. Connect electroconducting.
3. Connect vacuum hoses (watch marks).
4. Connect a negative wire to the battery.