Mitsubishi Galant

1990-2001 of release

Repair and car operation

Mitsubishi Galant
+ Identification numbers of the car
+ Controls
+ Options and routine maintenance
- The engine
   + Removal/installation of the power unit, dismantle of components
   - Regenerative repair of the engine
      The general information
      Check компрессионного pressure in engine cylinders
      Check of oil pressure
      Alternative variants of schemes of regenerative repair of the engine
      Good advice on carrying out of regenerative repair of the engine
      Preparation for major repairs performance
      Order of dismantling of the engine by its preparation for major repairs
      Regenerative repair of a head of cylinders
      Regenerative repair of the block of cylinders
      Trial start and обкатка the engine after major repairs
+ Cooling and heating systems
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Control systems of the engine
+ Manual transmission
+ Coupling and transmission a line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Regenerative repair of a head of cylinders

The general information

In engines of modern cars heads of cylinders of one of two types are used: with the top arrangement of valves (OHV) and with the top arrangement of a camshaft (OHC). Last type can be broken on the subgroup gauge-switch: with one camshaft of the top arrangement (SOHC, or it is simple OHC) and with two camshafts of the top arrangement (DOHC).

Now heads of cylinders are made by a method of moulding of an aluminium alloy that allows to lower appreciably total the power unit at preservation of such vital properties as reliability and ability to heat removal.
For the sake of justice it is necessary to notice, that on a level with aluminium at manufacturing of heads of cylinders enough wide circulation has also traditional pig-iron. Without dependence from a material all heads are completed with saddles of valves. In some heads on each of cylinders it is necessary on two valves though recently the increasing distribution is received мультиклапанная by a configuration where each of cylinders can be equipped by three, four and even five valves. Thin mechanical grinding in of working facets of plates to saddles provides tightness of chambers of combustion in the closed position of valves. Use of directing plugs provides unambiguity of back and forth motion of valves and centering of the last concerning saddles. In view of told critical value is got by size of a backlash of planting of a core of the valve in the directing plug. At excessive backlashes the expense of impellent oil usually raises, there can be losses of depression and the probability of damage клапанных saddles raises. Too dense planting of valves in directing plugs is fraught them закусыванием, that conducts to inevitable decrease in capacity developed by the power unit and increase of risk of jamming of the engine. Besides directing plugs valves also necessarily are completed with the springs providing necessary density of pressing of plates to saddles and their return to closed position after compelled opening under the influence of effort, developed эксцентриковыми camshaft cams (ов). For fixing of springs on cores of valves special plates and two-section cutting locks (crackers) are used. In the heads made of an aluminium alloy, for protection of the last against a wipe on клапанные springs are established special adjusting washers.

In an ideal, during carrying out of capital (regenerative) repair of a head of cylinders replacement of all valves complete with springs and directing plugs should be made. However, depending on a condition of the served engine defined mainly by conscientiousness of the owner of the car, necessity for such replacement can disappear. A principal cause of premature deterioration of components клапанного the mechanism is abnormality of adjustment of adjusting parametres of the engine. So, long work of the unit on the reenriched air-fuel mix frequently leads to washing away of oil from directing plugs gasoline. Mix repauperization conducts to excessive rise in temperature of its combustion that leads to a burn-out of plates of valves and their saddles. Duration of service life клапанных springs directly it is connected with inherent in the driver of a vehicle a driving manner, - frequent excess of turns of the engine inevitably leads to faster exit of springs out of operation.

Unfortunately, completely to prevent deterioration of internal components of a head of cylinders it is not obviously possible. Nevertheless, by timely carrying out of regenerative repair with careful grinding in of valves will allow the owner of a vehicle to reduce material inputs at the expense of prolongation of service life of a head of cylinders.

It is necessary to notice, that at a burn-out of only separate valves it will be reasonable to make replacement of their complete set. The given statement concerns as well other components клапанного the mechanism.

As it is not unpleasant, to define a condition of internal components of a head of cylinders probably only after its preliminary dismantling. The description of procedure of dismantle of a head of cylinders on models of cars of mark Mitsubishi Considered in the present Management is resulted more low in the given Section.



1. Careful clearing of a head of cylinders and components клапанного the mechanism with the subsequent detailed check of their condition will help to define approximate volume of forthcoming regenerative works.

Strong overheats of the engine can lead to deformation of a head of cylinders and infringement of planeness of its interfaced surfaces.

2. Scratch out from interfaced planes of a head of cylinders, the inlet pipeline and a final collector all traces of a material of an old lining and hermetic, - try not to damage a surface. Will essentially facilitate work application special размягчителя to which should impregnate preliminary stuck adjournment, - ask in shops of automobile accessories.
3. Remove from walls of water channels all traces of a scum.
4. A rigid wire brush carefully clean all accessible cavities and apertures. At strong pollution of channels it is necessary to charge head procleaning to experts.
5. "Banish" a tap approaching on the size each of болтовых apertures, having removed from a carving corrosion products, traces of old hermetic and having restored the damaged coils. In the presence of access to a source of compressed air, blow apertures, having removed from them a shaving and small dust.

At use of compressed air do not forget to put on goggles!

6. A wire brush smooth out a carving of hairpins of fastening of the inlet pipeline and a final collector.
7. Wash out a head solvent and carefully dry it. Use of compressed air will allow to reduce essentially term of drying and will give the quality assurance of procleaning of badly accessible cavities and apertures.

Various sort for removal of traces of the deposit, procedures of cleaning essentially facilitating performance, it is possible to get structures in many shops of automobile accessories. Remember that such means usually are chemically aggressive and should be applied with observance of corresponding safety measures, - strictly adhere to instructions of the manufacturers usually resulted on a label of container.

8. Wash out solvent pushers of valves, then carefully dry them. Use of compressed air will essentially facilitate procedure performance (do not forget to put on goggles).

The pushers equipped with hydroproof-readers should be put upside down in an oil bath. Remember that at assemblage all components should be established strictly on the former places.

9. Wash out in solvent and carefully dry клапанные springs, their plates, a saddle and crackers of cutting locks, - try not to mix components.
10. Scratch out a great bulk of the valves of adjournment generated on surfaces, then a wire nozzle to an electrodrill definitively smooth out surfaces of cores and plates of valves - watch, that valves have not appeared are mixed.


The general information

The design of a head of cylinders used on the concrete engine (SOHC or DOHC) does not render basic value 10 times performance of procedure of dismantle of components of the mechanism of a drive of valves. Examples of appearance of heads of cylinders are presented on illustrations. It is necessary to notice only, that at dismantling of a head of type DOHC it is necessary to give special attention to carefulness of marks of all removed components, - components of a drive of inlet valves should not be mixed at assemblage with components final at coincidence of number of the cylinder and practically absolute external identity. As a mnemonic rule at marks of details it is necessary to remember, that the inlet camshaft with accompanying components settles down from the inlet pipeline, final - from a final collector.

Heads with pushers чашечного type


1. In the majority of heads of cylinders in the mechanism of a drive of valves pushers чашечного type are used. Crackers of the cutting lock клапанной springs are located at such design in a pusher nest. For dismantling of a head of such type be required the tool for сжимания клапанных springs струбцинного type, оправка for removal клапанных springs and a small magnet for extraction of crackers of the cutting lock.

2. If yet have not done it, take from a head of cylinders a camshaft () and-or pushers of valves.

Put removed components in accurately marked polyethylene packages. Marks should guarantee possibility of installation of components at assemblage strictly on the former places.

3. Turn a head so that to provide installation possibility on it clamps for сжимания клапанных springs, - usually the head keeps within horizontally прокладочной a surface to the executor and клапанными springs from it.

4. Having enclosed оправку for spring extraction in a pusher nest, compress a spring.

5. Helping itself a screw-driver, by means of a small magnet take crackers of the cutting lock from the landing nest.
6. Release a clamp and remove клапанную a spring.
7. Take the valve from a head of cylinders. At a corresponding complete set remove маслоотражательный a cap.

Special adaptations for removal маслоотражательных caps are issued. It is alternatively possible to take advantage of usual nippers, - try not to damage a wall of a nest of a pusher that is fraught with decrease in adequacy of planting of the last.

8. At a corresponding complete set remove from a spring an adjusting washer, - again take advantage of a magnet or a screw-driver.
9. Operating in a similar manner, remove components of the remained valves. Remember that all components should be put in accurately marked containers or packages.

Heads with pushers of lever type


1. For compression клапанных springs on heads of the given type the special tool of standard type is usually used. However, on some models for installation of such tool there can be not enough empty seat, - in such cases it is necessary to take advantage of the tool described above струбцинного type.
2. If yet have not done it, remove components of the mechanism of a drive of valves (levers of a drive of valves or коромысла with the axes) and take a camshaft (). At a corresponding complete set remove also hydraulic proof-readers клапанных backlashes.

All removed components should be put in the organised order, special attention giving to clearness of marks, - at assemblage they should be established strictly on the former places!

3. Turn a head so that to provide an empty seat under installation of the tool for compression клапанных springs.

4. Having got the tool, compress a spring of the first valve, completely having unloaded its plate.

Owing to development нагарообразования the plate can "become attached" to crackers of the cutting lock and for its clearing it is necessary slightly обстучать a hammer.

5. By means of a small magnet take crackers of the cutting lock from a landing flute on a valve core.

6. Release the tool and remove a plate and a spring from a valve core.

7. At a corresponding complete set remove маслоотражательный a cap.

Usually маслоотражательный the cap is easier for removing from the valve taken from the engine (see more low).

8. Turn a head so that to provide possibility of removal from it of the valve.
9. Take the valve from a head of cylinders.

In case of need preliminary process flute edges under installation of crackers and an end face of a shaft of the valve a file with a small tooth.

10. At a corresponding complete set remove an adjusting washer клапанной springs, - take advantage of a magnet or a screw-driver.

11. Operating in a similar manner, remove from a head the remained valves. Remember that all components should be put in accurately marked containers or packages.

Check of a condition of components

After careful washing and drying of the components removed from a head клапанного the mechanism it is possible to start check of their condition. Carrying out of some control measurements for what will be necessary a micrometer with divorce of sponges 0 ÷ 25 mm, - for measurement of diameter of cores of valves, циферблатный a measuring instrument плунжерного type / telescopic нутромер, - for measurement of internal diameter of directing plugs, a calliper and the special tool for an estimation of degree procorfs and correctness торцовки клапанных springs Is required. At absence of near at hand listed tools it is necessary to charge performance of check of a condition of components to experts of car-care centre.



1. Check up working facets of plates of valves on presence of cracks, cavities and traces of excessive deterioration. Traces of a burn-out is most easier come to light at survey of a cylindrical part (corbel) of a plate. The corbel should be present on a plate without fail and have identical width on all perimetre of the valve. The rounding off or оплавление corbel edges specifies on прогар the valve. It is necessary to estimate also degree неплоскостности a face surface of a plate, - in the presence of an excessive deflection in its central part the valve is subject to replacement (it is desirable complete with the others).
2. Further it is necessary to check up a condition of a shaft of a core of the valve, - attentively examine its end face and flute edges under installation of crackers of the cutting lock, - make sure of absence задиров and agnails (especially if at valve removal it was necessary to resort to data processing of sites by a file). The end face of a core of the valve should be absolutely flat while some rounding off always takes place at considerable run of the unit. In case of need make restoration of planeness of an end face by проточки the valve.

3. Having taken for a drive a valve core on a flat surface (as that the windowpane can serve), check up it on presence of signs of a bend.

4. In summary measure diameter of a core of the valve in several places by means of a micrometer. Compare among themselves results of measurement, - the core should have a uniform thickness on all length. If the minimum maximum deviation of diameter of a core of the valve is not specified in Specifications, it is necessary to accept as a reference point value of 0.025 mm.

5. The valves defective or worn out over an admissible limit are subject to replacement (it is desirable complete with the others).

Клапанные springs, their holders and crackers of the cutting lock


1. First of all check up клапанные springs on presence of cracks, having chopped off and other mechanical damages. Further it is necessary to measure free length of springs, - try not to mix a spring of inlet valves with springs of the final. Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications.

2. By means of a ruler and плотницкого a corner estimate adequacy торцовки each spring.

3. At presence near at hand the special device, check up effort developed by springs. Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications.
4. The given, defective and excessively worn out springs are subject to replacement (it is desirable all complete set).
5. Plates of springs seldom require replacement, nevertheless, estimate a condition of their working surfaces contacting to a spring and crackers of the cutting lock. In case of revealing of signs of deformation or cracks make replacement.
6. Estimate degree of deterioration of internal and external working surfaces of crackers of cutting locks. In case of need crackers are replaced in the complete set with the valve.

Head of cylinders

At survey of a head of cylinders it is necessary to give special attention to a condition of directing plugs and saddles of valves. Also it is necessary to check up head moulding on presence of cracks and other mechanical damages and to estimate degree неплоскостности interfaced surfaces.

Directing plugs of valves


1. Having made sure of serviceability of a condition of valves, it is necessary to estimate degree of deterioration of directing plugs on size of backlashes of planting in them of cores of valves.

Preferably valves nevertheless to replace.

2. Before to start measurements, attentively examine directing plugs on presence of cracks, задиров, agnails and other mechanical damages. At use of plugs of demountable type (on all heads made of an aluminium alloy) estimate density of their planting, - presence of any weak point is inadmissible. All plugs should act on identical height (considering from saddles of springs).

3. Fix циферблатный a measuring instrument плунжерного type from the spring party of a head of cylinders. Slightly grease a core of the valve and fill it on the regular place. Densely press плунжер a measuring instrument to a lateral surface of a core of the valve around a shaft and null the device. Pull the valve here and there in the directing plug and consider the measuring instrument indication, - result write down. Develop a measuring instrument under 90 ° concerning initial position and repeat check. Having compared results of measurements among themselves, estimate size of ovality of the directing plug. Also compare results of both measurements to requirements of Specifications.

Are issued special telescopic нутромеры, intended for definition of internal diameter of directing plugs of valves, - at use of the such device compare results of measurements to the standard requirements resulted in Specifications.

4. The worn out or damaged directing plugs are subject to replacement or проточке.

Saddles of valves


1. Make visual survey grew grey valves. Pay attention to presence of cracks, cavities and traces прогара. Approximately estimate depth of planting of saddles in a head, - excessive заглубление speaks about deterioration of components. In case of revealing of cracks of a saddle are subject to replacement.
2. At presence near at hand the special tool, check up saddles on presence of signs of ovality. Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications, in case of need make проточку.

In the absence of standard values it is necessary to consider maximum admissible ovality in size of 0.051 mm.

Estimation of planeness of a head


1. Carefully smooth out interfaced surfaces of a head of cylinders, completely having removed with all of them traces of a material of an old lining.
2. Planeness check is made by means of a special measuring instrument and щупа лезвийного type. Measurement is made lengthways ДП heads and on both diagonals of an interfaced surface.

As a planeness measuring instrument the steel ruler put on an edge can be used.

3. If the size неплоскостности exceeds 0.076 mm at length of 15.2 mm (or 0.152 mm for full length of an interfaced surface), the head of cylinders is subject проточке.

After проточки heads of cylinders of V-shaped engines it is necessary to pierce in appropriate way also a landing flange of the inlet pipeline for the purpose of indemnification of change of position of interfaced surfaces.

Check of a condition of moulding of a head


1. Usually cracks in head moulding appear around an arrangement of chambers of combustion the probability of their formation and near to candle apertures, saddles of valves and basic surfaces of levers of a drive of valves, however, is not excluded.
2. It is necessary to give special attention to condition check to flow around final ports.
3. It is necessary to remember, that visual survey does not allow to reveal moulding latent defects. Much more detailed picture of structure of a body of a head can be received during performance дефектоскопии with application of methods of a magnetic resonance (Magnaflux®), - for the heads made of pig-iron, or with application of fluorescing structures (Ziglo®), - for легкосплавных heads. A similar sort of check can be always made for quite reasonable payment on car repair shops.
4. The head having mechanical damages is subject to replacement.

Camshafts and pushers of valves

The description of procedures of check of a condition of camshafts and components of the mechanism of a drive of valves see in Section Removal and installation of camshafts and pushers of a drive of valves.

Methods of restoration of components

The general information

The most part of regenerative procedures should be made in the conditions of a car-care centre workshop.

Grinding in of valves


Grinding in of valves is carried out in last turn after a condition of all components of a head their necessary regenerative repair/replacement will be checked up and carried out.

1. If valves are recognised by suitable for the further use, it is necessary to make проточку face surfaces of their shafts and grinding in of working facets to the saddles.

New valves also are subject to grinding in after which realisation they become rigidly adhered to the saddles.

2. Turn a head of cylinders upside down.
3. Slightly grease cores of valves and fill them on the regular places in a head.
4. Raise the valve subject to grinding in over a saddle and put on a working surface of the last a little special притирочной pastes.
5. Slightly moisten a sucker притирочного the holder and fix last on the flat party of a plate of the valve.
6. Rotating приводную the tool handle between palms, start to grind in the valve to the saddle. Try to intercept more often the handle, simultaneously slightly changing position of the valve concerning a saddle in order to avoid formation of furrows.
7. Continue grinding in until on a working surface of a saddle the equal ring of matte grey colour of identical width on all perimetre is not formed.
8. Separate a drive and pass to grinding in of the next valve.
9. In summary do not forget to wipe carefully components, having removed with their surface all traces притирочной paste and an abrasive.
Springs, plates and crackers of cutting locks
10. Listed in heading of subsection components are not subject to regenerative repair and in case of an exit of their system should be replaced.

Directing plugs of valves


1. In automobile engines it is applied only two types of directing plugs: demountable (are used in легкосплавных heads) and built in (are used the heads made of pig-iron).

Pig-iron heads sometimes also are completed with demountable plugs.

2. Restoration of the worn out directing plugs can be made one of four ways: накатка; installation of inserts; расточка and replacement.
3. At накатке detail metal is deformed, that leads to backlash reduction. Plug centering is simultaneously restored. Накатка is the most simple and cheap method of restoration of directing plugs, however demands presence of special tool base and leads to considerable reduction of service life of the restored detail.
4. The bronze insert can be established in the worn out directing plug after its preliminary расточки. The inserts equipped with a carving are issued, - for their installation the plug it is necessary to cut preliminary a tap of the corresponding size. Thin-walled plugs of cutting type can be alternatively established, - they refuel in the chiseled plug then развальцовываются by the special tool and are pierced under the necessary size.
5. In the effective way, especially at restoration of plugs of the built in type is расточка them under valves большего the size. Расточка it is made by means of a special vertical drill in a range from 0.076 to 0.762 mm (more often - 0.381 mm). It is necessary to get repair valves of the corresponding size.
6. For replacement of plugs of the built in type they are necessary for drilling from a head. Then nests are chiseled under the demanded size and in them запрессовываются repair plugs. Planting of new plugs is carried out by means of a hammer and step выколотки. The special attention at installation of repair plugs should be given to their centering rather клапанных saddles. The landing height of the new plug also should be strictly to correspond original, - do not forget to measure it before removal of old plugs. Old plugs are tapped from a head also by means of a hammer and выколотки. Before installation of repair plugs it is necessary to define, whether they should carry out hermetic sealing of a water shirt of a head or not, - if yes, it is necessary to use corresponding hermetic, otherwise the plug and before planting it is necessary to grease walls of a reception nest with assembly greasing. Planting of plugs in a head is made from installation клапанных springs.

 Use of a set of technological washers will help at the control of depth of planting of plugs.

Saddles of valves


Проточка saddles of valves it should be made only after adjusting parametres of directing plugs will be brought into accord with requirements of Specifications.

After performance of replacement of directing plugs of a saddle of valves are pierced without fail!

1. If saddles of valves are in a satisfactory condition after realisation of grinding in of valves (see above) it is possible to start assemblage of a head of cylinders (see more low).
2. Restoration of the worn out or damaged saddles should be made in the conditions of a car-care centre workshop. At проточке saddles the special attention is given to their centering concerning directing plugs of valves.

Проточка heads of cylinders


At restoration of strongly deformed head aligning проточке should be subjected also подшипниковые camshaft necks (ов). Default of the given requirement is fraught with serious internal damages of the engine at attempt of its start!

1. At especially strong deformation of interfaced surfaces the head is subject to replacement.
2. Проточка interfaced surfaces of a head (if in it there is a necessity) it should be made in the conditions of a car-care centre workshop.

At removal a course проточки from surfaces of a head of a layer of metal standard requirements to geometrical parametres should be observed.

3. After returning of a head from its work it is necessary to clean very carefully once again (see above).

Заделка cracks in moulding to a head

In some cases треснутая the head of cylinders can be restored. Along a crack in the head made of pig-iron carving inserts are established. At restoration легкосплавных heads welding application though use of carving inserts also is admissible more effectively is. Some defects can be eliminated only with soldering or welding application, - address for consultation to experts of car-care centre.


First of all it is necessary to prepare a workplace, special attention having given to cleanliness of surfaces and presence of sufficient free space. Take care of the place equipment under warehousing of components subject to installation. All established details also should be very carefully cleaned and dried up.

Heads with pushers чашечного type


1. For installation drowned in a nest of a pusher of components of valves on heads of the given type the small screw-driver, a clamp for compression клапанных springs with оправкой, a little white greasing (циатима) and weight of patience is required.
2. Slightly grease cores of valves and establish them on the regular places in a head of cylinders.
3. At a corresponding complete set establish where follows adjusting washers клапанных springs.
4. Establish new маслоотражательные caps (if those are provided by a design). If the cap is put on directing plug, preliminary slightly grease an external surface of last. If instead of a cap the sealing ring is used, it is established after compression клапанной springs, but before planting to a core of the valve of crackers of the cutting lock.
5. Dress on a core of the valve a spring and its plate.
6. Establish оправку and compress a spring by means of a special clamp.
7. Working as a screw-driver as шпателем, fill bends of crackers of the cutting lock with dense greasing, is will help to fix temporarily crackers on a core of the valve to отпускания springs.
8. Picking up a screw-driver (again take advantage of greasing), plant crackers on the regular places on a valve core, densely having pressed them to a surface of the last.
9. Slowly release compressing клапанную a spring a clamp, - track, that crackers have not dropped out, - and remove it from the engine.
10. Operating in a similar manner, establish components on the remained valves.

11. Establish pushers, a camshaft () (do not forget to check up installation клапанных backlashes) and other components acting in film in the course of dismantle.

Heads with pushers of lever type


1. Slightly grease cores of valves and establish the last on the regular places in a head of cylinders.
2. At a corresponding complete set establish where follows adjusting washers клапанных springs.
3. Establish new маслоотражательные caps (if those are provided by a design). If the cap is put on directing plug, preliminary slightly grease an external surface of last. If instead of a cap the sealing ring is used, it is established after compression клапанной springs, but before planting to a core of the valve of crackers of the cutting lock.
4. Dress on a core of the valve a spring and its plate.
5. By means of the special tool compress клапанную a spring.
6. Plant on a core of the valve crackers of the cutting lock.
7. Slowly release клапанную a spring, - track, that crackers have not dropped out of a flute on a valve core.
8. Remove from a head the tool compressing a spring.
9. Operating in a similar manner, establish components on the remained valves.
10. Establish pushers, a camshaft () (do not forget to make adjustment клапанных backlashes, - see the Head of Adjustment and routine maintenance) and other components acting in film in the course of dismantle.